(Adult) Aptitude Test
Your car overheats along a rural highway. In response, you...
Pull over, pop the hood and troubleshoot.
Call AAA for assistance.
Call your wife to berate her for not getting that roadside assistance program thingy.
You are doing Saturday afternoon yard work. Based on your appearance and performance, who do the neighbors think you are?
The hapless adult son who hasn’t moved out yet.
The well-intentioned new home owner.
The conscientious middle-aged owner.
Your favorite band reunites for a concert tour. You...
Buy the cheap seats and sit during the guitar solo.
Pass on buying tickets. They’re too expensive and you can’t stand for more than two hours.
Raid your children’s college savings accounts and enjoy floor seats atop a sensible pair of orthopedic Oxfords.
Your new laptop battery fails to hold a charge. Your reaction is to:
Patiently use the laptop as a desktop computer while you search the Internet for possible solutions you can apply.
Swallow your pride and visit the local big box electronics store for a pricey but permanent solution.
Hurl the laptop across the room before calling your older brother to fix it.
It’s Election Day. When you go to the polls you...
Vote for the candidates based on your familiarity with their positions.
Vote for the candidate with the attractive wife.
Ask your like-minded friends which candidates they’d recommend.
When you’re at a friend’s dinner party, you...
Drink wine all night, and really enjoy it.
Drink beer before dinner, but switch to the wine being served at the table.
Bring your half-empty can of Coors Light to the table, along with an unopened backup.
The children in the neighborhood address you and your spouse by “Mr. and Mrs.,” using your last name. You think...
They have no idea I’m an adult fraud.
They are a tad too formal, but that’s OK.
They are appropriately respectful.
You’re at work and you’ve just found yourself in a phone conversation with an angry, hostile client. You...
Take thoughtful notes so you can offer the most appropriate response as needed.
Unconditionally apologize and offer remedies to the problem.
Begin to apologize and then hang up while you’re talking. (Must be phone problems. Who would ever hang up on themselves?)
You believe your minivan tells the world...
I’ve given up on my dreams.
I suppose this is the responsible decision.
I’m the proud parent of a growing family.
When tackling a long-overdue home improvement project, you...
Convince your wife to leave for the weekend so she doesn’t have to see the mess.
Cut yourself on purpose to garner sympathy for your efforts.
Assure your wife a speedy, clean and dependable repair.